From a little far away from the center of a 10x10 stage: [4][6][P][+][G] > [P][+][K] > [1][P][+][K] > [P][+][K] ( Wall Hit ) > [6][6][P][+][K] >...
So I guess you know the maximum sobering combo involving the wall ? :p
Found an other way to sober Shun Di with Kage without doing the OM: [6][6][P][+][K] > [2][P][+][K]~[P][+][K][+][G] > SH [3][P] > [6][6][P][+][K]...
What about some safe low attacks as meaty, to make your opponent want to block low after teching ? JUMP ( while descending [P]) possible after...
[4][6][P][+] [G] > [P][+][K] > [1][P][+][K] > [P] > [6][6][P][+][K] > [4][6][K][+][G][K]![K] -4 DP - 77 DMG
Where's the mix up ? They're both mid ! :D But I managed to land that move a couple of time because my scrubby oponent was doing an advancing...
Sorry Tricky but the last hit just whiff from my testings.... EDIT: wait. It was because from the way you were writing the combo I thought you...
Nice start ! btw [2][3][6][P][+][K] sabaki works against high and mid elbows too
Maki we will give you a last nice ass beating before you're moving out.. don't worry hehehe
Moving in my city ? :-P
Ok I did more testing. Your tip works against: Shun ( back to the wall ) [6][P][+][G]> [6][P][P] ( stagger )>[1][P][+][K] into combo Lion ( Back...
To avoid a wall stagger caused by the second hit Pai's [6][4][P][P] after she put you backturned with her [6][4][P][+][G] throw, I was using an...
Stop fantasizing. It's just the screenshot I already posted here a while ago... SCRUB.
Basically, when you blocked one of his launcher, punish with [P][P][P][K]. If you blocked one of his unsafe low, punish with [3][K][P][P] For...
Nothing reciprocal. I never sent that kind of "love" message to him or anyone. Is it my fault if I'm too good ?:(
Oh, please, it's nothing compared to what I had to go through... [IMG]
And of course, you had to use that example...
Feel free to use my bitch as much as you want. Just don't forget to pay me at the end. :-P
GGS to chibitox ( I feel like something is missing with your Akira, I just don't know why ), combolammas ( finally !Let's play more whenever we're...
Happy New Year Myke & also to all the fellow VFDC members ! 2013 was the year I finally decided to move my lazy ass to play non online VF ! I'm...
Separate names with a comma.