I just miss playing SF T_T
I was blessed to have my aunts give me their old consoles when I was a kid to experience the legitness of retro fgs and such. I only know thru...
I am as old as VF and I knew what VF was.
Doesn't excuse sfv havin certain issues.. but I am sure like god3l said, it, won't be that way for long.
You would think hit stun would make hit confirming more easier. Also, I kinda was joking when I mentioned Rog losing to that ryu. I think the...
I know you're going there @BLACKSTAR to catch a glimpse of that white bootay first hand. tell her all that dirty nerdy atuff in the ear. Who knows...
I like rog, I think one of the bet imo, personal fav. if a balrog player is saying that 5 is boring, daaaamn
People thought the same about IV and ultras/focus attack too. That it's childish. Look at that huh Makes sense PR said that about 5 and he lost...
I could see 2f into lights coming back tbh just depends if the character demands such. Though tbh, I thought something fishy when chun HCB K was...
Word shit like akuma, s. Roundhouse, S. Jab, repeat isn't going to be in there. I am upset about that ass too.
That & It's funny considering he from the ghetto. I know he plays games though. I think at one point he may have mentioned he uses Kage.
Wait, are saying that you miss 1F links (Cuz I heard in 5 they're gone? Correct me) I didn't have an issue with it but seeing as where the...
Tell me how a 40 yr dude that use to sell pot to my cousin knew what VF was when he saw me on FS. Yet all the time the fgc confuses FS 4 Tek
Eil better than Jeff. Lei better than both. Jeff has his own tier, E. I would put Lei in bottom C or possibly D along with Eil being bottom D. I...
Are there ANY correct or viable tier lists for VF5FS?
That moment you thought a fight broke out in soccer, and go, "oh, it's just rugby.)
I'm hearing about this from the DoA community first, ironically. lol
lol Why do people still suck at SF4? Had a Fuerte try n spam FA and neutral jump from far with MY HP lead. SMH 5 please
cuz I know when you ondamic you like to speak freely..
DTN for me.
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