Confirmed! I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthay @adamYUKI!!!!
After months of distractions, laziness and playing VF when I said I wouldn't. I finally lived up to the promise I made myself. And that promise...
should have wrote the numbers down............... I call cheat code!
wow got owned wasn't paying attention
9 and draw game I...
I move to 4
I move to 7
I move to 5
hahahaha I'd play but suck!
Watched it again! (y)
The first one was very good, but the second one.... WOW! You really out did yourself sir. One of the best VF videos I've ever watched. I can't...
You need a classic setup for the super old school. Get one of the panels with the track ball for games like Millipede, etc. Slap mame in there...
I hope you are dropping this in other places as well. Shoryuken, eventhubs, etc! Let's go @VFhayato 2016 is your year.
If it's early I'm in! If players can get there by let's say 1-2PM we start at 3PM, finish by 5 then play some casuals for a bit I'm down. But...
8PM is way to late bro. It takes me like 1.5-2 hours to get there :( 8PM tournament that means it's not over till like 10-11. Then the commute...
Why do you have to be so fffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away!!! OMG! What time is the tournament?
Gear......... FOURTH!!!!!
If there isn't do you really think VFDC will survive? Also a little off topic but why isn't there an app to access VFDC forums? Especially the...
@Myke don't tease us! Put pen to paper or finger tips to a keyboard and make it happen. It would be awesome if you could also include your...
Separate names with a comma.