The VFDC Command Lists have now been updated (and default to) Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O Ver.1.00, equivalent to VF5US Ver.2.01. [ATTACH] The VFDC...
I'm pleased to announce that the VFDC Command Lists now default to the latest Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. version! [ATTACH] The source data for...
@Juicebox_FGC has produced another amazing video explaining the concept of love! Namely, the notation of move commands, the HUD elements, and the...
Christmas has come early with the announcement of Virtua Fighter R.E.V.O. to be released on Steam, running at 4K, featuring Rollback netcode, and...
I recently asked Zonchan for some help with Lei Fei combos versus Taka, and he kindly sent me all of his personal combos against the entire cast!...
Under the category of "nobody saw this coming / asked for this", and just when you thought NFTs had all but been exiled from the domain of...
This video from @Khanage contains information about every single release of Virtua Fighter 5 in chronological order. From the first location test...
The Tekken 7 Collaboration DLC Pack, previously teased around 2 months ago, has been formally announced and will be available from 1st June 2022...
Announced this weekend during the finals of Virtua Fighter’s Challenge Cup Season 0, Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown is collaborating with the...
DrScottnik has produced a wonderful video showcasing the VF community, and how it has thrived since the release of Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate...
With Ryu Ga Gotuko (RGG) Studios at the helm for VF5US / VFes it should probably come as no surprise to see this collaboration between two popular...
On Sunday 5 December 9 PM Japan time there'll be an all-female team tournament. This special exhibition tournament, organised by @Tetsuko_Yamada,...
VF5US Version 1.10 has been released which includes a new Team Battle mode, stage setting feature in Room matches, simultaneous matches for League...
Thanks to everyone who previously contributed to Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Feedback thread. Much of that feedback has already been passed...
In this final episode on Harada's Bar series with VF5US/VFes producer Seiji Aoki, Aoki-san shares his thoughts on how practicing Martial Arts...
In this episode of Harada's Bar, Harada continues his interview with VF5US/VFes producer Seiji Aoki where they talk about SEGA's marketing, how VF...
In a previous episode of Harada's Bar "Come, Virtua! I've waited 11 years!" Tekken director and producer Harada shared his thoughts on the Virtua...
At Evo Japan 2020 VF5FS was held as an official side tournament. It was capped at 64 entrants, heavily stacked with local Japanese talent and saw...
On Wednesday 16th June 2021, 12:00 PM JST, @Homestay Akira will be holding a live stream aimed at the overseas audience (that's you!). It will be...
Separate names with a comma.