Haha Thanks!
You have no idea how much this made me laugh man, like seriously. I was laughing for like 5 minutes.
Speaking of Shin Megami, this track for the "Final Boss" in Trauma Center: Second Opinion is pretty bad ass. [MEDIA] Also Trauma Team's...
Good games in a LONG session goes to : @bruciethebeast @Dark Nova Void @daRockReaper @Raiden789 and @mlp715 "Oh god... he's gonna blow up...
Skullgirls Character Select Theme Music for 30mins. Its so addiacting [MEDIA]
lol BeastEG I thought it was just me! Just another spam and ad account I suppose.
Good games to @D0llo13 @Titantony @KishinRuLeR-_- and @Raiden789 "Solange did a whole Akira combo on Jay-Z, 200 health" "Beyonce just sittin'...
Haha. New game +. Thanks Rep! :)
Thanks you two! I will take the challenges head on!
My high school days are officially over! Graduating class of 2014!!!!
Hit throws, just any hit throw in general will do. It makes you look good and it leaves a bad taste in the opponents mouth.
@IcKY99 whooped my dads ass in DOA yesterday. Funniest thing ever.
I'm going to start getting on VFDC less. I'm amazed at just how childish people are. The ignorance is real. SMH
We still going to the same place?
Will be there at around 6:30 or 7. You still going @Dhezz?
We still doing this? What time you guys agreeing to?
Whatever time you agree to. Completely free after 6PM I know for a fact. Can make it earlier
Agreed. I can appreciate how good it is as a game, BUT I CANT PLAY IT! lol
Good game to @Dhezz and @Riq "Gah-Auragh-Argh!" - Dhezz "This dude really just f*cking transformed on the mic." "You mashin' over there? I know...
Okay then. Dad said he will take me. How much it cost to go / attend?
Separate names with a comma.