exactly lol....im afraid by the time it would get finished it would be waaaaay too late to matter
only way i would play doa x vf is if the system was VF
as far as im aware of, its outdated?
Seidon & Marly: actually gonna happen?
A lot of these threads come up here (I myself made one) and I can tell you the same thing that is always repeated. This game needs more exposure...
they need to coordinate with me as to the day....
VF stream here http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal
I will be streaming this live fyi
Streaming Tekken now VF later @ Twitch.tv/ayaimmortal
now that would be a seriously hype match...
Good games yesterday to akireswga! Your akira is weird but really awesome. Looking forward to playing more games with you. We should surely play...
streaming some ranked tekken games, Wach as i lose every game! twitch.tv/ayaimmortal
on vf hiatus to improve my tekken game
ill stream the ft10 seems interesting... theweirdo5000: shut the fuck up. kthxbye
Good games to everyone, Thanks for the beatings eventually i will improve at this game...
http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal that time of the day again :)
1. I think people take the shit talk too seriously... as long as it isnt personal, no big deal imo 2. uglyiness is required for "beauty" be...
Good games to Krye, akirazero maxou and tricky. Tricky: Sorry for short set, I had to go though Krye: GG's man, it was nice to fight you...
yall know the time http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal
i barely know what im doing in matches otherwise i would be happy to do it
Separate names with a comma.