i guess this isnt going to happen
http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal derp stream?
I read stuff like this all the time, Good stuff
damn, my defense sucks....and i didnt even practice tekken today....fuck...guess i have tomorrow for that
Here comes my suplex!
Awesome games to you man! Yeah lag is a problem but lag can't prevent people from learning lol. I leanred quite a bit. I have quite a bit of work...
fully lobby on xbl http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal
http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal Uh...VF?
Is Tony vs tricky still happening? or no?
http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal Do i really need to say it.....
I take serious offense to this =( (Bolded) I do maximized jacky damage everytime I have the opportunity. Online makes it difficult to do sometimes...
I do not believe you can block 17 Frame high circulars at -5 18 or more frames you can. You are correct, You can duck though. At -4 You can do 17...
ive been doing it -5 and it works ok. i use 66 thou over 33. that 1 frame difference is alot lol
You should talk to blackstar here on the site...
TBH: i think this should be on the front page.....
Good games to Maxou AGAIN this morning. We are playing quite regularly nowadays. Im so glad i get a good connection with the french players....
dat stream http://www.twitch.tv/ayaimmortal
GG's though that lag was hella :( GG's to maxou and kinghiem today! Fun stuff as usual. i gotta learn to fight shun better lol. had me like "???"
I am in full support of this. I can help if need be as well.This would be will be awesome for everyone to get games and to improve.
Separate names with a comma.