@Swordfish2, just so you know, an anti-spam measure on this site will prevent most tagged users from receiving an alert when you use so many tags...
Tricky has been waiting for an Eileen who cries? :O
@Aoi in chinatown: You should call the VFDC Custodial Services immediately!
Nice. I'm going to try figuring them out on my own for fun! Also, I couldn't get CH OS [6_][K] -> [1][K][+][G] -> [9][K] ->...
Kamais, you should report this to SNAKE_POLICEWOMAN. She'll give him a court marshal for threatening with murder.
GGs to SNAKE CUSTODIAN. Your Brad is tough.
@Aoi in chinatown, I am good friends with SNAKE CUSTODIAN, and he told me that he cleaned tairi-y-11 for you. He struggled because of lag, but he...
SNAKE MAID has been notified and will clean him soon. In the meantime, please let the VFDC Custodial Service know who else you would like cleaned...
Custodial work is a thankless job.
23th? :/
What troll check mark avatar? I don't know what you're talking about.
I thought rematches had to be at least a year from the time the first match happened.
But the first post in this thread was:
Well, there's one person who knows the Aoi match-up extremely well and could possibly beat him in a FT10. If she's reading this and is able to...
I think SNAKE_MAID might have to start cleaning PSN again too.
So much hate here! I doubt Hopfrog has anything to do with new players not wanting to learn the game. LOL.
GGs to Stl_Tim. I realize that the connection was less than ideal on both ends and that we had to improvise. Real VF is great, but we do what we...
I didn't know about this. Happy Birthday!
LOL. Okay, I'll use whichever character people want me to use.
Maybe. I just don't want there to be the excuse for either of us that one was using his main while the other wasn't. If I lose with my alt...
Separate names with a comma.