I'm willing to play next sunday, just let me know of the time and I should be good.
I can respect that lol!!
Man I been playing that Ultra and I have to say Rolento and Posion are TOO fun!!!
Right Nyo Tengu looks awesome she will played lol.
Well as far as I know I should be free to do it next sunday. Also @mlp715 I'm located in the northwest.
Good gmes JDE but yo we have good games forum jlyk lol. XD
I'm willing to play you. I just hope PSN holds up.
Oh man some of the stuff that went down in that lobby was just hilarious. Also it was a beneficail thing all 4 us learned a lot. :)
Good games to @ToyDingo, @BeastEG, and @BLACKSTAR during the Sarah session.
[4][4][K](Stagger) BT[K] [4][K][+][G][G] FL[6][K][+][G] [4][K][+][G] [P] [7][K] [3][K][K]=103 damage [4][4][K][K] (wall hit) [P][P][P][7][K]...
Found some good tech with [4][4][K][K], when you hit the opponent on the wall the first [K] staggers the opponent and after you get the stagger...
I suggest you learn the fundamentals of VF and like MakiLeSushi and flyingguillotine you should pick one character to learn. Lucky for you all...
Steelbaz Vivi Chun Li is too epic and those combos!!!
Yeah man that game gonna be hot, to bad I suck at animes.
HAHAHAHA!!! You got that right but oh ok man I mainly wanta to know because I can't do it offline, so I wanted to learn it.
I need to step my movement up, some players just leave me in the dust it seems like.
Good gmaes to @J.D.E., @BladerRD, @Allan_Paris , and @Tenryuga cool meeting you two.
Very good games to @BlondieVF5 and thank you for all the advice it really stepped up my game!
Congratulation Poison!!! Good luck in whatever you decide to do after.
Oh man I have only got the BT FL2K> P+G 1 time, the animation is so satisfying and brutal lol.
Separate names with a comma.