The combo is listed, work since eileen to Vanessa, this was a good question. A better quuestion is: work in other combos too? i thing yes but i...
And @Stl_Tim you said [2_][6][P][+][G] can be used for ring out in half fence can explain how?
I see in youtube a Lion doing after evade [P][K] and [1][K][+][G][P] to make his Side Turned opponent hit the wall and try [9][K]
Checkin BT [K] CH /\ [4][6][P][+][K][P][P] [4][3][P][+][K] [6][6][P][+][K][P] if the opponent thech roll [9]/[3][P][+][K][+][G][P] enter as meaty...
HI. Starting with BT [K] CH [P] [4][6][P][+][K] [4][3][P][+][K] [6][P][P] DEAL 85 //\ since Eileen to goh since Akira to Jean without...
Thanks for your help and support @Stl_Tim and @Jason Elbow. what is the use of Lion's 44p+k?
No answers... Sabaki [2][1][4][P] [4][6][P][+][K][P][P] [4][6][P][+][K] [6][6][K][K] 67 versus ei,bl,ao,sa,sh,pa,li,va,/\ka,le,br,go,ja,jn, Kage...
some preference for the next launcher in the Combo Section? i note missing for now BT [K],[2][1][4][P],[P][P][8]/[2][P],[6] [P][+][K][+][G][P]CH,...
Added [6][1][P][+][G] [K] opponent back to wall Combos in Combo Section. :sneaky: 83pts vs most of The cast
Hi ladies and gentlemans @Jason Elbow, I'm adding Ryusei Bokutai Souchousou [6][1][P][+][G] [K]Combo section i found this Eileen [2][P]...
Hi. some [3][P][+][K] combos added and a couple with CH[2][K][K][+][G] And with [P][+][K]: 0fD[6][6][K] 1fD[P][4][3][P][+][K] [6][P][P] versus Eileen
Added. Wellcome to this comunity
@Toto yes you can do the 9p full combo i note ( only check Eileen) i fault doing my favorite 9p 46p+k 46K+G KK 8P+K easy and damaging if i...
Hi guys i check 1P+k no needs CH @Toto if you think 19f is fast enough 46k is the best option. Faster 9k starts a wall combo more damaging than...
Sorry 1P+K
@Jason Elbow no its only i have the timing for shun. In combo section there are shun's especial but i cant do it. Lion have (another) especial...
Sorry @Jason Elbow you are right i said the "tricky" setups of @Toto I only use [3][3][6]P+G Dash 46P+K P 43P+K 6PP Combo versus Shun and yes it...
@Jason Elbow Thanks, i guess this setups is 45 or 90 degrees with the wall correct? I check 44P needs CH Edit: 1P+K Work with the other leg...
Buster ばすた; Chibita ちび太; Fullswing フルスイング; とまりおん Tomarion; ダメージ Combos. I hope this help anybody
Separate names with a comma.