Since kingo retired he s the best french Aoi =)
i love those guys!!!
I disagree, i played like shit always trapped with same set ups and can t break those habits. Bounty played well even with this shitty connection,...
casual xbl
Casual match on xbl with my friend from Italy. GGS
Casual on XBL. Knowing that it s a transatlantic connection... =)
@ all players who usually play with me, from now i ll upload all matches we ll play so dress ur best suits =)
@cruzlink2 yeah or kbutsu or pecola or any van with decent level
Any interesting van? It will piss me off to watch 6h of vf without any van...
same for 6KPP > microdash > 1PP > P > 6KK 1frame delay for 6kk Didn t test it really but it should work against same char, test in progress
yes definitly easier in open stance... And yes that s the reason why i said dash and not microdash. ty for the test =)
Ok i ll put what i discover here. Some combos not listed yet. Video will be on once i ll find enough interesting combos: 4p+k > dash > 1pp > p >...
Ok it s may a misunderstood from me i apologize. But u know what, u re wrong... i ll put some more effort and i ll discover a new combo that YOU...
Just a quick questionfirst, u knew for those combos? Well for wall combo wait the opp to touch the ground with his knees for some chars u have to...
Well, since best taka players know a lot of things i ignore about combos and the char himself, i ll say no thanks. No confusion i respect the work...
If only some ppl would act as much as they talk...
It s just those combos listed on combo list + i warned everyone i wasn t sure if those combo are known or not..
Short video of some new max dmg combos with taka, knowing that i m a Van player
Done... Short video i know but it ds not van so i can t make more effort. I hope u ll enjoy =) [MEDIA]
I like make suspance =P i ll try to finish it today
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