Ty guys i m up for each and eone of u. I m back in france in sunday but i ll be online only the next weekend. I got some stuff to practice with...
I wanna play vf!!!
@og23 u did it =) congrats. Btw i told u u can win ;) @cobratron good job too my friend
coz offline is almost unexistant and most of players play online, so why not
I want to refresh a little this thread. Actually i m lookin for shark vanessa matches to make a playlist. I already did it with kaibutsu here is...
I want an update for vf. Add the star player bonus =0
good luck to all, van players u have to kick some asses...
@Kamais_Ookin for me the game will die when vf6 will be come. @og23 mainly some basic stuffs like i evade and i don t watch the move i evaded, i...
anyone can test somethin for me pls, actually i m in serbia without my consoles so i can t, i was wonderin if os 1K+G would connect after ISK >...
I saw my last matches and i saw a lot of mistakes comparing to top players or even jp.The point is that now i know what i have to practice.
Lil holydays in Serbia. I m feelin good
@erdraug combo#1 honestly i didn t test. My goal was to find vs wolf. I ll test after my holydays. I m just sad i didn t find for open stance....
2 new combos vs wolf tested DS [3][P][+][K] > [2][P][+][K]> (buff)[6][6] > [4][P][+][K] > [P] > [K][K] Close stance 76 dmg Wall combo OS...
I fight a lot vs a french shun (kingheim) so i definitly can help. The most important thing is to deal with his drinks. Use as much as possible...
you must win canada cup bro!!!
U will force me to translate it serbian exactly the way u did lol i hate u :p nice job btw :)
Both good but u always prefer one over the other ;)
Ok taka is good, very good. But Van is Van...
Another rival retire... it s becomin boring
Always. In combo or when i wanna evade. It s really important, u should practice it to make it become a habit...
Separate names with a comma.