- wish you were here xoxo
Room 302 is the other room where we will have casuals.
LAG casuals will also be in room 302.
Hi DV! It'll be nice to see you again. As one of the guys noted above, there will be casuals in peeps' hotel rooms, so please ask around here to...
I will be showing Homestay and his wife around until Thursday evening. Depending on how tired he is, he may be interested in getting some games...
Hey bro! Took care of the duplicate registration. Thanks again for supporting LAG: Homestay :holla:
No worries brah, I'll delete one entry.
BUT PRIME! I'm bad at marketing, so no trailers. FUCK! You did an incredible job with NMTC. The stream will be handled by Dropkick Events, so...
0:07:38 - Shun vs Jeffry (01:24) Anyone know what that Jeff player's name is? "Los Angeles Angels" is his team name, I think?
Anyone have any ideas for some non-VF activities during the evenings, primarily? I am making reservations at a couple of cool restaurants...
Hi Kruza! Yes, the group rate is for those three nights. If you'd like to stay a day or two later, I can get that discounted rate for you. Just...
Guys - in about a week, the rooms held under VFDC group with the negotiated rate will be released. The rate goes up from $139 to $159 per night!...
PS3 will be the the tournament system. We are encouraging people to bring any system they want for casuals. @Montage might be able to provide a...
Thanks so much for your help Alex! Really couldn't have done this without your assistance. @MadeManG74 - thank you for always pushing this at...
Hi everyone - event pricing has been updated: Full access to weekend's events: $30 Tourney entry fees: $5 How's everyone doing with hotel rooms?...
Hi Zekiel! It will be played on ps3 or 360.
Thank You Brian! Hope to see you there. :)
The registration link is live folks: Thanks again to @Montage @KilgoreTheFish A couple of old-school VF vets may be making...
Ok, so first FT10 money match is @Rodnutz vs. @_Denkai_ Second FT10 money match is @adamYUKI vs. Gentleman Thief. That's right, GT, I'm calling...
Hi Kruza! Looking forward to seeing you again, fellow old school VF'er. Yes, Homestay is coming on the 16th - staying at the same hotel. I will...
Separate names with a comma.