Henry bugging out at EVO. Lets go NL
Agreed. I was thinking, damn I want a VF shirt. Those NYGX ones will be good enough. Man, to think a whole year has passed since then. Year of the...
I'm so jealous
I disagree. DoA3 was really solid and had features that I wish were in 5, like finishing your combo before they fall off the cliff. It also ran on...
About movement, harada didn't even know about it n high lvl Japanese dont use it. Koreans are just manipulating the system. I have launch many...
DoA aint even a 3D fg imo. You cannot even grab someone for evading bc if they chosse the attack that comes from it, it counts as a, "strike"
Or sad. Tekken 7, Idk what they did to movement but RA are not the smart way to go n they scale like a mofo. It is just a causal feature to bring...
I'm just happy I got something to turn to when I'm mad.
I fucking love VF man. I mean, the new one has its head-shakers but it is the most balanced fg. Everything has an answer, you cannot be salty that...
Yeah, don't rush the shit. I wouldn't be mad if you opt for Tekken 7 instead
I'm going to assume you're not trolling & say, in all honesty, I have grown to like SFV. It's a fun game, can possibly be the best SF in long...
Monthly char were promised.
Lol @everyone getting stupid at people for feeling, "entitled" about SFV content. Who ever bought the Season Pass can tell you suk my dick
If you don't put everything on a pedestal. You might actually enjoy things more. Come in with low expectations for this generation of fgs
You know you're kinda nerdy when you know what side to put the usb in without looking twice.
For me... It was Tuesday
Can anyone confirm if kof2K on ps4 has online? I remember the other neo geo station ports did have it, like 94, 95, ect
I come from the DoA community intially. While shang Isn't exactly wrong, in DoA the buffer acts wholly different. For DoA, you simply do a reverse...
Yo what up with the doa scene.
I apologize I've been out of commission and you guys had to witness Tricky putting up videos. Don't forget there's 2 of us
Separate names with a comma.