I thought Sega being aware of our 'lil get togethers was enough? Of course, I understand what you're getting at. I feel the same for half the...
VF is a special case, you need communication with other VFers to even play because it's niche in the west. Most people in other games will refuse...
That counts. Anything more akin to tekken? Single palms or hopkicks preferably.
Looking at the 3D fgs releases and such already tells you when VF6 is coming. The timing makes too much sense with Soul Calibur. They know people...
He doesn't think playing it isn't however. Albiet fundamentally some characters dont benefit from it or it's a viable options at all times.
Need a Beat Cup that displays good use of duck & launch, blow up of wake up kicks etc. To show a m8 who says VF is boring to watch
Got a job opening. Won't make it on the 7th. Tell Sega that there are young fans like me!
Idk about you but Tekken feels like shiiiit
I execute it on pad by using R2/RT as guard, and X/A as K._ If Y is K, that's fine too. Just might be harder maybe. What is K+G? You can hit that...
Brah, it's ok, you got a sudden urge to please that beautiful Japanese Mistress of yours because she was getting to you about it because she's a...
Anybody else play Yakuza 6 and think, "VF6 will probably look like this." It's gotta blow everything else out the water. No more anime eyes!
What about that new sonic racing game they're talking about? #Doubts #WhensVF6?
The Sega event, talking about the possibility of VF6 here. Let's just hope if VF6 does come out, if it ever does, that it won't try too hard to...
Dammit, Maki, I didn't expect you of all people to lose faith. You've been here long. C'est bon! We'll see what's up in April.
So SFV blanka can do EVERYTHING he's not supposed to in any other SF game in existence. Legit whoever programmed him is a retard.
They can't because they're too poor.
My controls were wrong @MarlyJay How is your connection vs N.A.? Since the stream has a different isp
They weren't for a long time. They are now.
These sales....Impulse buys are common on PSN to the point the refund policy should be like Steam. Fuck Sonic Forces.
Probably Yakuza doing shit idk about now tbh
Separate names with a comma.