Wonder about this. Do JP commentators say number notations and if so, do they say those in JP&Eng? Occasionally I'll hear like, "さん P"
Na, DoA is VF's special needs masturbation-addicted cousin.
No one can say Tekken isn't the poor man's VF after charging for Frame Data.
That's literally the only thing. Fact of the matter is that he pointed out a bunch of different FGs that overall are harder in more things beyond...
If I could post photos lol did on discord
These EH dudes man lol Telling me that a 1F link in SF4 is harder than Akira doing his 13F consistently to initiate splat from stagger @wall
Idea @Blitzball Champ have @Rodnutz @cruzlink2 @BlackGeneral & @kungfusmurf Do FT10s (Because of Come back in 10 yrs) call it, "Akira Wars".
Is the monthly for the 20th on stream?Want to review matches. V Shag I tried using after 6P+G6, PP, 9P+K+G but instead of using my dedicated...
I think I'm about to shed a tear. Thanks for the encouragement.
I got home ya'll. I know BG said don't mention it. I'll say this, if it wasn't for a lot of you guys, I'd feel like a nobody. @Shag @BG 1luv
*Eileen Stare Intensifies* This why I like VF. Tekken didn't entirely get the memo on checks and balances. I also like how FS balances the...
Can't we get someone rich to bribe or convince Sega to spill the beans on if VF is secretly happening behind closed doors? Oh, wait, that's Yu...
@Tricky We should get a photo of you doing 9k and me doing 9P because they're like, our favorite moves. It's over 99000!!!
Don't do that shit again. lol What's funny is Yak 7 was confimed, Tokyo 2020 will have a Mario and Sonic game, no doubt. The best lies have...
It was PS Now nvm lol
Anyone saw the Tokyo Game Show Runsheet?
WTF? Europe has VF2 on PS4? Call me later but yo....
I see my guy Keys rockin' the Supreme beanie and pack. Fleee
No matter what dumb mechanics in peoples' opinion ruined VF. It still took its changes well versus other fighting games that kind of hurr...
You guys getting heated over here. What's going on? Thought we were all gentleman here. This is VF. We can't be like those Tekken guys now.
Separate names with a comma.