Nice! Liking your hunger. I'd like to get knowledgeable with the Lau match up.
That sucks, was looking forward to playing you.
I think I'd remove the jump animations and throw clash... I completely believe in launch beating throw attempts. Also, the majority if not the...
Good Looks, @Modelah
@Modelah, Something about America was said on this link: at the 47 min mark. Translations plz?
Oh! @Blitzball Champ , Thanks for the shoutout boss! We'll hang out again if you make it to NYG!
Here's how to get even more support out of me... IF you come out of retirement (Partially or Fully) Organize with fellow VF TOs and create a VF...
Playing @ChiefGutti has inspired me to attempt to clean my game up once again. I need more offline content and confidence in my game.
Bruh... The aftermath video was a tear jerker... Anyway, I don't know most of you all as well as the oldest friendships here, but being at NMTC...
Late, but Big ups to Flash to hosting an amazing event, and for the first time I've ever traveled for VF! Here's to great future gatherings.
Wait, are you out of business for good?
wait, too early! I get home probably around 11:30. If your on, then SETS.
inb4 the FS peeps that hate the game more than they play it come and troll. and yeah, I agree, Sozos.
Give up a bit of damage for consistent punishing. It wins games.
Ramadan is already over?
Try doing each step separately and then combining them. Change the input settings (forgot exact name) from detailed (showing frame data) to input...
been wanting sets vs you for a while. TBH, still salty about the L you handed me at NYGX. what time is good for you? Starts about 1:02:00.
Solid VF play @Toryuken. GGs to all that were involved.
Separate names with a comma.