I'll try to make it, not sure if I'll be able to because i will have just gotten back from vacation but last year ruled so we'll see
update... i've been meeting biweekly at balance patch. it's been great. lots of beginners have been picking up the game. next meet is 5/11.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9znoJJGdYf4 holy shit this is good
with ECD, if they throw out a linear move, you will get a successful evade. if they delay throw, you will CD under the throw. with standing and...
thoughts on delaying NYG a week or two for those interested in the EVO side tourney?
[IMG] me on my way to brooklyn Yeah man, I'll let you know what the plan is. do you live near @BBountyHuntyr ?
It looks like @BlackGeneral is not on there, he should be!
it'd be pretty silly to go to evo just for a side tourney, right? especially if NYG is the next week?
I'm in @Cozby if you want a ride lmk
i didn't mean at BT, i meant at SEGA Fes, which was two weeks after BT. the timing would have been really good.
not announcing VF6 right after BT was such a massive missed opportunity. good shit sega, ggs
related! https://virtuafighter.com/threads/yall-like-archaeology-i-just-dug-up-some-vf4-vf4evo-wallpapers.20240/
top 10 anime betrayals
have fun and don't shy away from asking any questions.
haya's new shop is amazing, might have to stop in again before NYG
https://streamable.com/25idn like this?
Boston VF power levels are rising
I'm in
This person did and I translated https://twitter.com/dunzarus/status/975945895001772032?s=21
Separate names with a comma.