Not only is Air Louis 116 really bad at VF, but he's also a rage quitter. I 3-0'ed his crappy Sarah in one match and he went to the dashboard...
GGs to FullMelson
BGs to me, I'm playing like some buttcrack because I'm not used to the arcade stick my brother got me for X-Mas. It doesn't help that its the...
GGs to GunSniper Ls, iii EmX iii, and Eureka s3v3n. Also, GG to the newbies in this game. Lets keep this community growing.
Happy New Year to the VF community.
Merry X-Mas to the VF community.
I'll offer an anecdote on the SweetSuki discussion. I'm thinking that SweetSuki's account is a shared account, because we did a set a while back...
GGs to ShinyBrentford - Thanks for the advice about leveling up my game with Jeffry. GGs to Sevensided - I can't remember who you used, but that...
Being on a losing streak sucks, although I have only myself to blame for playing people with 2 bar connections.
LOL, I don't know why, but his post made me reminisce about the year 2004 when people had modems with standby buttons on them. We're in a...
*sigh* Add Air Louis 116 to the list of pseudo rage quitters. I got perfects on him in the first 2 rounds, so he just stood there and let me whoop...
Played some MK and got 7 rage quits in 10 matches... going back to the Dojo in VF5 in order to get out of rage quitter paradise for a bit.
BGs to both Panda Enforcer and James Kenobi 8. They're both pseudo rage quitters. Panda Enforcer just stood there in my winning round and let me...
GGs to FenrirTheDevil for Goh-ing in strong and playing some fun matches.
I friggin hate Jann Lee in DOA5, he's a scrub. He got floored in the story because he's nobody.
I'm pretty sure Pit was being sardonic in that post about LoL Steak, since he's a well known Taka scrub ([P] masher into a grab). The sad thing is...
Why does Bayman still have the pirouette victory pose? Its hard to look tough when doing a pirouette.
Mortal Kombat has the worst community. At least 75% of matches will end in a rage quit or racist hate mail.
GGs DescendantDroog, that was a very fun series we had. I'm lovin' all the new blood in this game, hopefully this will keep up since VF is a gem...
I do not understand why Team Ninja put Sarah in DOA5. Sarah = Rig in playstyle.
Separate names with a comma.