GGs Weirdo5000, that was a great set of matches. Your Lei Fei is tricky, so keep up the good work and show legion of button mashing Lei users how...
BG to JackoRCB Jacko has a very deadly Jeffry, but he gets a BG from me for having the audacity to be a cherry picker that sandbags as well. He...
GGs to x1WAYx. That was a fun set, even if my Aoi and Lion were both embarrassingly terrible. As an aside, am I the only one that finds Player...
Nothing like a lil' VF to soothe the mind and soul after studying for the Bar all week long.
My stick training begins today. I don't know if inexperience or the crappy All Stars Brawlstick will do me in.
All of the new characters in Samurai Showdown Sen were terrible designs, but I need to call out Golba in particular [IMG] Why would anyone...
I have a long list from many different games, but I'll keep it just 1 character from games that I currently play. Dead Or Alive 5 * Alpha - If...
I'm currently using the VF4 soundtrack, mainly for Lion's theme.I cycle through VF3, VF4, VF5, and FS. I'd gladly give my left nut to Sega if...
I don't know if it's BG worthy or not, but I had the weirdest experience when I played against ramen n00dle XD. I 3-0'd his Jacky easily with...
GGs to Vanilla Tears, Weirdo5000, and Purple Trap.
Why do Lau and Taka have red, drug user eyes in their versus screen pictures?
Another day of VF, yet more losses. I wonder if its time to get an alt. or two.
GGs to Happy_Friend and James Kenobi 8 (aka. leftylizard). Although I'm losing a lot and I feel my Jeffry is at best a 3/10 at the moment, at...
BGs to me for playing very poorly the past couple of weeks. I swear that I've been 3-0'ed at least once out of every 5 games lately. My second job...
Diagnosis: Being in a slump
Your comment about people complaining about VF's story deserving to be suspended from this site was unnecessary, even if you were half joking....
I don't get why people don't attempt to create an open room. I don't like playing Ranked as much nowadays due to most of the players being much...
BGs to WACHILLEB for playing in spite of a crappy connection. The match we played was laggy to the point of being unplayable. What made that match...
GGs to you jjcha, I really enjoyed that set we did yesterday. I hope to play more good players like you, it'll help me regain my VF skills that...
Studying for the Bar Exam sucks, mainly because I got my behind handed to me a lot lately due to being rusty in VF.
Separate names with a comma.