Awesome! The wife keeps asking me so she pressures me and I pressure you hahahahaha. Anyway looking forward to seeing them and thanks!
Jin Kage stirring up some insane magic from his cauldron of fancy moves.
You heard the man! Everyone please reach out to both MS and Sega about the issue. Muchas gratitude in advance.(y)
I don't think so, but I'll try and get to it this weekend or sooner if I can.
Hey @Myke , apologies for the delay, but here are the pics I promised. What you are looking at is the current list for many, possibly all players...
@Oioron where them LAG pics at? :-P
Aww that sucks! I was hoping you wouldn’t need a constant connection for the sounds, but I’m still interested though so I may upgrade eventually.
So pissed I lost my streak this morning. I thought I had done my daily lessons yesterday when I first got out of bed, but turns out I had stopped...
Thanks for the resources @cobratron . I actually had the lite version of Human Japanese on my phone, but don't remember actually using it. I'll...
1) I totally agree! 2) I noticed this immediately, so I shifted my focus more towards memorizing any new words and concepts I come across....
Android users feel free to add me. My username is Rodnutz or follow the link below. ** UPDATE ** The...
If you are an iOS user, I strongly recommend that you DO NOT UPDATE to version 6.2.1. It seems they are testing a new health bar feature that...
As @Oioron said you can only be a part of 1 club per language. It’s possible you might be in one already. I’m on iOS, but I’m sure the process to...
Perhaps you can join via an android tablet or iPad if you have access to one of those?
I’ll post a few pics in the Xbox Live Challenger List Issue thread later. Stay tuned!
Yeah I’m familiar with that guy and wow he is amazing. I’m not familiar with FLR though, so I’m going to be looking into it. Feel free to join...
We need a petition to get XBL ranked matches fixed. It's been broken for like 2 months.
Any idea if they are ever going to address this issue? While rank has always been kind of pointless, it’s even way more pointless now. It just no...
A bit surprised that this has never come up before especially considering how heavily this community relies on Japanese VF content, but are there...
** UPDATE ** Sign up is for 5 games period, so all requests for " 1 more... 1 more... " game, etc will be ignored. Play your set and then step...
Separate names with a comma.