UI? Where did you see that?
7AM huh? Look's like I'm setting an alarm. Fingers crossed it's not a JP only release for 6 months or more. I don't care about the eSports...
When you hold down on the lever, at what frame are you considered crouching where a mid attack can hit you, but a high attack would whiff?
Thank you Jimi!
Who is the Akira player? He destroyed Chibita after the Blaze sets.
It would randomly turn off here and there. However, recently it would shut down almost immediately after turning it on and then the power light...
My PS3 is F****** dead.... GGS!!!! When's that PS4 VF coming?
I hear ya man... I can smell all that elbow stagger fear seeping through your pores. How long would it take for Tricky to quit if it returns?...
VF5:US - The return of elbow staggers and the beginning of online VF rage quitters. LET'S GO!
I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I bet it's just a remastered version of the game running at a higher resolution with lots of extra modes....
I miss playing on this cabinet. It was the best! To the individual who bought it.... SALUTE!
2 questions for you all. 1) What do you think is my greatest VF strength? 2) What is most difficult for you to deal with during our matches?
WAY TOO MANY ACRONYMS.............. EENNGGRRRISH PPPRRREEAASSEE!!!! First, shut up Smurf! I think he is doing fine and will be fine as he...
Friday's stream should be lit as fuck! Be ready to tune in or you'll miss out!
The VF casino was lit last night and so many people ranked up too! I can’t wait till next time.
Time for my viewers to rank up. Let's go! https://twitter.com/rodnutz/status/1329816516393652225?s=20
I can't like this comment enough! Well said sir!
No lie... this gesture of gratitude from the VFDC community is not spoken enough, by myself included. With that said, thank you @Myke , Akai and...
NO JOKE, but for just a moment, I seriously got dizzy and a headache all at once trying to imagine that.:ROTFL::D:ROTFL::D
Indeed I am @kungfusmurf I ended up falling asleep around 5:30am
Separate names with a comma.