A lot of craziness happened in this episode. You'll just have to see for yourselves. Features matches with...
This episode is dedicated to all of my supporters as I hit 300 followers on Twitch! Features ogcdemon,...
https://challonge.com/j80vbfhz Hey folks! @SNAKE BOSS and myself will be hosting a VF2 tournament on Sunday, June 28th at 7 PM EST on Xbox! All...
https://challonge.com/j80vbfhz Viper's Pit/VF Arena VF2 Tournament Registration for June 28 at 7 PM EST on Xbox! All participants welcomed!
Welp..........at least it will be able to fit in my pocket. The original Game Gear was cool, but that thing was fat!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5M6aHXviL4 Giving my thoughts on the PS5 reveal.
We talk PS5 reveal in this episode of VF Arena. Features RefractoryAscit, EctoShock, Dragon Izu, Crazydrunk88,...
https://www.twitch.tv/blitzballchamp VF Arena on Xbox in 7 minutes! Get ready!
VF Arena lands in PS3 Land!!!! Features matches with HostedBeverage, CMoney, PsychoFingers1, Blood_Msk, kungfusmurf,...
Thankful to God for another year of life! 36, older, yet wiser!
@IcKY99 Thank you so much for the HDMI Splitter suggestion! Works perfectly and I can stream on PS2 and PS3 now!
Student loan paid off, VF Arena, a giveaway, I'd say this was a good episode! Features Tricky, GannimadeB, Offshore...
I am thinking about this being done around early June, either a Saturday or Sunday. Thoughts?
This was a very very long episode of VF Arena, featuring Offshore Randy, DelaBloodMsk, Tricky, Crazydrunk, HotSauce...
We pay tribute to the 2nd WWE Grand Slam Champion ever in Asuka in this special episode! Features Ectoshock,...
New season of VF Arena is back and going to capture the hearts of VFers around the world again! Tonight featured...
Tonight at 8 PM EST is the new season of VF Arena! I also will have a Streets Of Rage 4 Steam Code to give away to the one that can answer my...
Giving away a free Streets Of Rage 4 Steam code during my VF Arena stream. https://twitter.com/Blitzball_Champ/status/1258519183467266048
VF Arena returns tonight at 8 PM EST!
The return of VF Arena, but would like to get those games at some point!
Separate names with a comma.