Mozarella, Shrimps, Champion and Chanterell mushrooms, and rucola salad! Wish i had a chance to compete in this epic and honorable battle with u...
Crab! Avalanche! Vision!
*delighted smirkie smile* Thats some super-weird random "wisdom-meme" generator, which randomizes pic and a weird sentence together. I worked...
I object to the objectification inherent in object-oriented programming #LearningNewStuffsAndHavingAHardTimeCusReasons ^^
Perhaps if the next VF have a regular offline version, and a turnbased! one for online, that will put salve on erryones lagscarred wounds ^^
Yes its one of the songs (made with renoise tracker) ive made ^^ thank u for the positive critique ^^ its been a while since i made a track. I...
The Virtua Fighter 5 (Vanilla) on disc is more or less another game, and imo a step closer to what VF4/evo was in terms of animations and fluidity...
Lazy mistakes are human so no probs in the end ^^
I cant even call "console-phobia" on that one. Its like ur making sensible administrative decisions - How does one deal with that Myke?? its.....
Upon seeing them, you approached, an elitist grin on your face. and told them that you would teach them the words "loss of face", "inferior" and...
INFP (Oh old thread, phoenix down)
Here is a blank template in case of inspiration:
Repost cus im nostalgic today:
"A charming nano that brandishes a silver tongue" FTW ^^ <3
Awesome arse-kicking Rare Entity. but also very inspiring bouts by pretty much erryone that made NMTC a success, even when viewed from afar
Ur both so nerdy ^^ (tho thats fine :p we all have our areas)
Pretty playable, yes indeed - as has been my experience with modelah too in the past ^^ On another note it is a good thing that people can...
Separate names with a comma.