It has began. Here we go! Do not know if I will be able to make it yet but we will see. Good stuff. There is online for it we just have to exchange IP addresses I think.
Thanks to all that entered my tournament The Viper's Pit. Even though it was online it was still fun. We have a small community so it is always...
Seems like we might have to cancel this tournament. Unless more people sign up. Thanks for everyone that signed up and if you guys still want to...
If you want you can do it for next week if more people are willing to enter.
Ok we have 2 peeps signed up. There are still 6 spots open. @Tricky and @Chief_Flash where are you? Anyone is welcome.
That is right. Dural is as legal as a 18 year old virgin on prom night lol.
I have not posted in a while but it is time for a worthy post. As it was vf5FS's 5th year anniversary on consoles at the beginning of the month....
If @Shidosha is up for a match on tonight's vf arena then I would be happy to oblige a FT 10 match. We can do it at 9pm or when ever arena starts. Here I found this video recently made. It is about some of the hardest characters to master. Everyone has their...
You forgot to mention that it is only discontinuing the playstation now on all those devices and not the online service.
I challenge @Jerky to a FT5-FT10 in VF5FS today on vf arena xbl.
Wolf has the Jack Hammer which is my favorite wrestler's finishing move. goldberg jackhammer bigshow - YouTube [ATTACH]▶ 0:30...
It is Darth Entity vs Obi One Tricky to decide the fate of the Empire in a match of VF in their minds. Lol. Only at NMTC. Good stuff, the force...
This event was awesome. Thank you @Chief_Flash and anyone else who made this happen. I have played and met many players that I have not played or...
This event was awesome. Thank you @Chief_Flash and anyone else who made this happen. I have played and met many players that I have not played...
I am here to officially announce my attendance at NMTC. My friend and I will be driving down there on Friday. We will try to be there by Friday...
WhiteFangViking on xbl.
Mybe a 8 men room tournament.
Maybe you should. Son.
Separate names with a comma.