Where you at?! Playing with your ding ding that's where
Sexy crew!
Myke you know I am trolling as usual of course! :rolleyes: I understand it is not busy anymore because FS is old and there isn't a whole lot...
im scared myke and i am acting out!!! :(
RIP Vfdc verry soon
RIP vfdc forums
When will Haya and Cruz be recognized in a VF Community Spotlight article??????????? They've done more for NA VF than anyone else
Made VFSUXCUSTROLLS rage quit this morning lol
dude that shit was hilarious!!!!!
Wat chu hunting for son'!?!
work out to vf osts
you'll be back....... they always come back
in VF i personally feel stick is better, but then again one of the best players in NA use pad so just whatever feels good for you
thas wazup
wolf is perfect char to practice fuzzy guard with 33P 33G
ggs jason and flood
Get the dingling out
Maybe they wouldn't threaten Japan if they had McDonald's
U still got xbl?
I luv!
Separate names with a comma.