VF5 REVO as a main tournament. From May 23-25. Schaumburg, IL https://www.start.gg/tournament/combo-breaker-2025/event/virtua-fighter-5-r-e-v-o
[MEDIA] Participants of online league session I host - 1st Quarter 2025, Week 1 (January 4-5th). In hosting these league sessions, two goals I...
Confirmed for Frosty Faustings, the version will be REVO 1.0 (aka VF5US 2.01). Source: https://x.com/VF_SEGA/status/1879544076187390453
[ATTACH] Not only will Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. will be part of the main lineup in EVO Japan 2025, it will also be part of the new extended...
Kage not listed in patch update.
Here is the exact tally. Vanessa, Goh, Lei, and Lau seems to be the big difference between the English and Japanese poll. For those that have...
I think it’s better for the perception of VF to have the pseudo-infinite removed. Gameplay balance wise, I have not played 2.0 enough to have a...
Can't do two offensive moves into combos no more :D. Situational (?) one offensive move into combos with new patch it seems.
VF5US 2.01 update in English is available and is exactly the same as REVO 1.00
VF5US 2.0 and VF5REVO Open Beta will be getting a bug fix/game balance update--2.01 and 1.00, respectively--on January 28, 2025. REVO 1.00 and...
R.E.V.O. Version 1.0 / VF5US 2.01 changes effective on January 28. https://virtua-fighter.com/revo/en/update/ Backdash CH not giving as much...
I do not think it is included. But if you already have the DLC items purchased, it should work with the physical copy. There is always a chance,...
[IMG] eSports 2.0 (Japan) & Ultimate Showdown 2.0 (Rest of the world) are the same exact game. Available as a free patch of the original VF5US for...
Week 2 of Akai Leagues January 11-12th. 3 weeks to prepare PSN/Steam Leagues beginning in February.
Here is Juicebox tutorial recently made - https://virtuafighter.com/threads/juicebox-vf5-r-e-v-o-tutorial-series.22195/ Approximately a year ago...
Updated first post with the previous and later videos posted - Intro to VF5 R.E.V.O. and the VF Triangle - Link - Each Character's Six Key Moves -...
I never completed the full video to give better insight and also not written in such a dry language...:cry: For those trying to get 0-frame delay...
Will use this thread to collect the planned series of VF beginner videos made by Rental Animator. [MEDIA]
Corrected thanks.
Nice start of the year! Week 1 Summary Europe For Europe we had a total of 15 players. Average league size 11 players per league. Two players...
Separate names with a comma.