Good games to @WolfKing @Deathnote and @kungfusmurf thanks for the patience playing me
Thanks for this session @Terracrush
Hola. @Ginga? ¿Jugamos esta tarde 17h+ Unete a este grupo de discord también tiene una sección para encontrar oponentes
Hola @Ginga? por supuesto. Que días puedes jugar y a que horas?
My fault I read the wiki in the movement section. I think is a good idea add a line in this section talking about the penalty too. If i write that...
And now we star with [P][+][K][+][G] and [4][P][+][K][+][G] Hakotsushu [P][+][K][+][G] is a parry with 1 frame execution till the end of its 35f...
HI Me Are the first. VF5Fs is my first fighting game that i play with other people than my friends i say online. at first i only want to play...
Hi Some [6][P][+][G] Considerations This throw is used to side switch and a [8][P][+][K] guaranteed attack, because its granted +10f versus a back...
Hi @MarlyJay, versus what's moves works, and the formula to calculate the advantage gained, at first I think total duration - execution - duration...
Hi iwazaru if you need somebody to train with or to fight add me in psn.
Reseaching about Lion's P+K+G, for now no formula tested from Eileen to Vanessa Next one Akira cuz @kungfusmurf are destroying my mantis
Disagree, watch the entire list, poor me. Really Van and Lion can deal more damage to each other than other similar weight
@MakiLeSushi Vs my Lion
Hi. I just read this entire thread because i'll start a little research about [P][+][K][+][G][2]/[8] y [2][P][+][K][+][G][2]/[8] two notes:...
That's what i call quite good. i'd try my best
@Mister and me , first part II Five in a list
The two fights i can win versus @God3l . If you need a punching bag other time for me was a pleasure.
Good games @jimi Claymore and friends.
GGS to @ogcdemon @tablaprince and @rasonblack7 (i dont remenber exactly ) Marte's Fights continue on Wednesdays and Saturdays evenings.
Please to meet you. Was hard for me to return playing VF after some month and without my partner. Thanks to you, @demon, @Mister, @Terracrush for...
Separate names with a comma.