I'm nothing without Eileen's spinning back fist.
That match with KADAJ was hype u should have seen the chat!
The mindfreak is so proud !!! @Tricky http://imgur.com/Ee2A0RH
lol who makes these decisions https://youtu.be/dieC9FtD4Sk
Fantastic 4= Fantastic FAIL !
Im impressed Windows phone 10 is pretty cool even though still in beta mode
Yeah you have to find your character's specific "anti-Aoi" moves an have them on lock. Some characters have it harder than others which is a pain....
Thats cool but everyones gonna rage when Batman anal bops Superman in the movie lol.
Haya's gonna get plunged !!!!
The Fantastic 4 are gonna get their **** rocked by Double D !!!
Super Saiyan God mode 2 Goku vs Superman rematch! at SGC on the 18th It'll be streaming live. On YouTube
Just to get hit with another combo! :D.... :(
Those combos vs Eileen are ridunculous. I can reboot my phone and still have enough time to tec roll...
Vanessa is definitely favored. She has so many good setups, meaty options. I'd actually give 2nd place to Pai. I don't know if Sarah or Aoi should...
I'm slowly giving up as well going to try SF again or when MVC4 is released lol
There were previous posts I've made and deleted because of invalid information or outdated info. This one will include some updated stuff on some...
VF6, no offline compatable !!!! VFC comes to life LOL
The only game that could pull that off is The Elder Scrolls Online?
Youd think they would have learn from Microsofts mistake a couple years back when they wanted games to always have a internet connection :(...
Separate names with a comma.