GGs Sozos and Chibitox for last times, both your akiras are a pain in the ass ^^"
GGs mitsuruga, Blossy and kingheim yesterday !
I forgot ggs to purple trap in pm before the room yesterday. Sozos I just renewed my xbl yesterday, we didn't get to play, we can pm if you see me...
GGs in room yesterday to nero, marlyjay,maki,sozos. nero's a beast... Someone should have told me it was streamed, I would have brought my A game...
Sorry a bit late on this tread, but I won't be able to come.
I wonder mainly against the [4][K] on CH as it's +7 and exe of the follow ups are 16 for catch throw and 19 for the others. I don't know how many...
Sozos, about hitchecking I mainly meant reactivity to be able to play "frame-tight" ( I usually can see what's happening but I'm often too slow...
I saw the replay, I didn't do that 66K+G enough ( and too many 66P+G), and dropped so many things... Like Combolammas said I never tried a K after...
I AM the one frustrated here ! ( honestly I had fun too ^^) Well take your time and go on with your hit-list, meanwhile my anger can only grow ^^...
GGs Maki ! I'm waiting for the revenge some day ! ( and I'll have it ^^ !)
Ok for FT10 !
So Sunday 8PM CEST, FT7 (or 10 ?) with no run back, Goh Vs Van, is that it ?
8 PM CEST is ok for me; Maki I think you prefer at least FT7, right?
I will if Maki is ok! On XBL by the way.
I'm always in! Ok Maki : availability on week end saturday or sunday, evening preferred, FT5 FT7 or 10 with runback or not as you like ^^
GGs Maki, each time I see you you improved, nice DS tactics now, and yes this evade of mine was caught too many times (damn this OS [6_][K] ^^")....
I guess you're talking about 2_6 P+G ( you can indeed input crouchdash and 6 P+G); There's a video here and some useful tips by Combolammas...
From the video it seems like you can abare at -6 on 19f class combo starters, but I'm not sure about quicker ones (as it is it's a move I'd like...
Ok thank you !
I'm watching the 15th Beat-Tribe Cup and have a question about Haraigeri ([2] or [8][K][+][G]) :
Separate names with a comma.