Comments on Profile Post by Libertine

  1. DK
    Dun be a fool, u deleteded ur own message then tell the peeps that i delete them. U r cheeting and cheeters always lose. And losers hate on their own damn self
    Nov 17, 2014
  2. Libertine
    listen to me u fool im sick of peeps bringing up the past i never cheeted i dced but that made me more of an out law and i only did it in a good way but ur a cheeter by lieing and thats on ur ass
    Nov 17, 2014
  3. gastinell
    the peeps have spoken
    Nov 17, 2014
  4. Libertine
    U too buddy
    Nov 17, 2014
  5. DK
    me threy
    Nov 17, 2014
  6. Dark Nova Void
    Dark Nova Void
    Dhavalpeep cheeters only lose when they get caught so did Libpeep get caught Hhhhmmmmm!?!?!? O_o
    Nov 17, 2014
  7. Libertine
    U know when i get this alirt i taught to my self this better not be more foolery and what do i see low and beehold its a fool hating on his own damn self i did not get caught cheeting because i fight honestly and if u dont believe me add me on psn and ill ur ass u fool so be safe and have a nice day
    Nov 17, 2014
  8. Dark Nova Void
    Dark Nova Void
    If you play online ur hating on ur own damn self. Also I need to add you if I don't believe you but I did add so how u gonna convince me to believe ur not a cheeter "Libertine The Honorable One!" HAAAAAAAAAAA!
    Nov 17, 2014
  9. Libertine
    i taught about ignoring this foolishness but peeps might read it beleeve ur lies. for the reckered im the numbar 1 player on psn and u r the cheater because i only dc in a respectful way and thats that. now i got the last word so i win. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. greet ur champ.
    Nov 30, 2014
  10. Dark Nova Void
    Dark Nova Void
    Dec 1, 2014
  11. Libertine
    no i posted last so i win and if u reply to this then u owe me a psn card
    Jan 1, 2015
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