Thunder thighs huh? I see. I used to main Viper in any of the SFIV incarnations. But who else did you main back in VF4? Or was it only Jeffry? Did you play Goggle back then too? Your Goh in FS seems to have experience on him.
I played numerous characters in VF4 because the movelists back then weren't so extensive. I mained Jeff and Sarah always, but Aoi was my 3rd character. I only dabbled with Goh in VF5 Vanilla. I didn't like him in the 4 series.
Wow, I've never pictured you as an Aoi player at really. You seem so...aggressive Lol I honestly want to see your style playing as her. I may learn something new. Next time we are in a match, you mind giving a demonstration?
I'm late reading this, but I don't know enough of her to give any accurate demonstration. It's easy to memorize moves/combos, but I still have to learn proper punishes vs other characters, wall/ring awareness, etc. I could do so in VF4: Evolution and Final Tuned because I invested a lot of time in the VF4 incarnation of Aoi.
Nov 1, 2014
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