Comments on Profile Post by $ir JDE

  1. $ir JDE
    $ir JDE
    It's nothing you want to experience. It's no joke. I even lost nearly 20lbs just from being on edge about it the whole entire time & even then, our sleep schedule is completely shot. Usually, we're in bed by 11 at the latest, but lately since then we've been up later going to bed around 2 or 3 am.
    Sep 15, 2021
  2. akai
    Glad your family is doing well.
    Sep 15, 2021
    beanboy and $ir JDE like this.
  3. $ir JDE
    $ir JDE
    Thanks bro
    Sep 15, 2021
  4. beanboy
    Dude, that sucks dude. Good to hear you all are doing better. :)
    Sep 18, 2021
    $ir JDE likes this.
  5. $ir JDE
    $ir JDE
    Thanks guys. Glad to be back! Now to strengthen my Sarah!
    Sep 18, 2021
    beanboy likes this.
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