Comments on Profile Post by RawrCookie

  1. RawrCookie
    I discovered a new challenge within me which is to play VF5US with the fragments of my VF5FS memory that i played 5-6 years ago and still beat a lot of high rank/people with it without trying to remember all stuff or even most combos or even my hand movement reaction
    Jun 7, 2021
  2. RawrCookie
    Tho i made online as "practice" and with every match i remember something with eileen lol It is like a habit or recaling memory. Anyway i need to stop being lazy/feel bored when i practice in offline cause this is its place eventually ugh
    Jun 7, 2021
  3. SDS_Overfiend1
    Banok is a vet tho. And rank means nothing since playing games on the reg will get you to level up.
    Jun 7, 2021
    DomAug and ToyDingo like this.
  4. DomAug
    banok is also known as Crazydrunk88 and he's probably the best Shun player in the US (though he's also very good with other characters including Taka). IMO he's a top 5 player in the US.
    Jun 7, 2021
  5. jimi Claymore
    jimi Claymore
    Jun 7, 2021
    DomAug likes this.
  6. RawrCookie
    @sds ik that, i am just mentioning this as a report on what happens in VF5US so far to others it is the same as VF5FS lol
    Jun 8, 2021
  7. RawrCookie
    @DomAug aha, well i excepted more tbh
    Jun 8, 2021
  8. RawrCookie
    Jun 8, 2021
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