Comments on Profile Post by kungfusmurf

  1. Stl_Tim
    After watching your match, it was clear that shin didn’t care what you did. You were expecting one thing and he kept the active hit out there to interrupt you. When getting advantage vs a player like this they make you immediately nitaku or die. Just my two cents.
    Sep 8, 2020
  2. Stl_Tim
    It’s hard not to fall back on vf4 keyhones to pause for a moment and see reactions from opponents decisions in disadvantage and what they always do. Also, new players to the game see it different when values of adv/disad are not known. I would say his style was very strong random to what you expected. It possibly could be the best strat to ever deal with.
    Sep 8, 2020
  3. kungfusmurf
    kungfusmurf really are one hopeless dumb fuck!
    Sep 8, 2020
    -nero- and jimi Claymore like this.
  4. DomAug
    you're not doing nearly enough one-frame knees
    Sep 8, 2020
  5. Stl_Tim
    Don’t ask for opinions from ANYONE if you don’t want answers.
    Sep 8, 2020
    DomAug likes this.
  6. Shag
    Smurf U. Hee hee.
    Sep 8, 2020
    jimi Claymore likes this.
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