Comments on Profile Post by Blitzball Champ

  1. Tricky
    no xbone? damn
    Mar 28, 2020
  2. Blitzball Champ
    Blitzball Champ
    I have an Xbox One, but all y'all folks say it's bad for online VF5FS.
    Mar 28, 2020
  3. HotSauceNelly
    I've heard stories about this Red Ring Of Death. Damn! First the XO crisis now this!?!? When will the madness end?
    Mar 28, 2020
  4. Tricky
    if i had to choose between no vf and bone I would do xbone.
    Mar 29, 2020
    beanboy likes this.
  5. Oioron
    I used Xbox One when I participated in VF Arena. I thought it was fine for online play. How about PSN? You still have a PS3?
    Mar 29, 2020
  6. Blitzball Champ
    Blitzball Champ
    @HotSauceNelly Hopefully soon. @Tricky You make a fair point. @Oioron I do. I have to shuffle my setups around a bit, but I could make it happen. I figured people preferred 360 more over the years, but I do have it on both.
    Mar 29, 2020
    Cmoney likes this.
  7. Cmoney
    I would set up for Xbox One as well, getting another 360 means another ring of death. I don't think it wouldnt be too bad to set it up on Xbox One.
    Mar 29, 2020
  8. JSM
    mmm my xbox stick is broken. & I've been playing on PSN lately during the quarantine. So run VF Arena on PSN
    Apr 3, 2020
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