Comments on Profile Post by Dark Nova Void

  1. Tricky
    I'd recommend both sub and dub
    Sep 3, 2018
  2. Dark Nova Void
    Dark Nova Void
    Yea I'm on the sub just got to episode 24.
    Sep 3, 2018
  3. Tricky
    all might's voice in dub is the only reason I watch it in both. I watch multiple times too so it's nice to mix it up. The personalities feel a little different though.
    Sep 3, 2018
    Dark Nova Void likes this.
  4. IcKY99
    When's JoJos
    Sep 5, 2018
  5. ShinyBrentford
    Sep 5, 2018
    IcKY99 likes this.
  6. daRockReaper
    Bruh How did I not put you on to this? It's so good we're gonna have to talk about this at some point. How far are you?
    Sep 6, 2018
    IcKY99 and Dark Nova Void like this.
  7. Tricky
    Jo jo is life.
    Sep 6, 2018
    IcKY99 likes this.
  8. Dark Nova Void
    Dark Nova Void
    @daRockReaper The Greatest! Bruh the show is lit Lit LIt LIT! I am on episode 39 bruh I am hooked Stain is cold and I may buy the game!
    Sep 6, 2018
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