Comments on Profile Post by Rodnutz

  1. BlackGeneral
    Either 44 or 66 to buffer stand. If you buffer stand by backdashing, you just have to hit forward and P.
    Aug 20, 2018
  2. Myke
    Minor correction: in VF4 you didn't need to 33 (why would you crouch dash when already crouched?). You could just 465P from a crouch.
    Aug 20, 2018
    adamYUKI likes this.
  3. Rodnutz
    Sorry guess I worded this all wrong. Definitely want to do it after crouching dash fuzzy. However 95% of time I get dbl palm or first part of 2_6pp. I think 44 is the answer. Thanks guys.
    Aug 21, 2018
    Tricky likes this.
  4. Tricky
    You have to do 33646. Ideal input would be 323646. 44 works because you’re canceling into backdash. Risky since opens up stagger. I deal with this issue a lot with Eileen’s qcf motions overlapping with movement. Super annoying.
    Aug 21, 2018
    Rodnutz likes this.
  5. Rodnutz
    I just don’t get and can’t wrap my mind around 323 input in regards to fuzzy guarding. Every time I try this input and guard I always get hit. Tried last night and failed. Am I missing something here?
    Aug 21, 2018
  6. BlackGeneral
    @Rodnutz try doing a dragon punch motion to fuzzy, then entering 46P. I do it that way, and it feels natural to me.
    Aug 21, 2018
    Rodnutz likes this.
  7. BlackGeneral
    Oh, I left out an input. Try 63236, then 46P. It looks like a lot, but you're gliding the inputs in.
    Aug 21, 2018
  8. Tricky
    You’re doing it too slow likely. 6323 is what I find most consistent. It’s also less prone to input errors due to the input buffer before you choose to fuzzy.
    Aug 21, 2018
  9. Rodnutz
    @Tricky bro you use a Hitbox lol I'm sure it's 10 times easier to enter all those commands on that than it is with a stick.
    Aug 21, 2018
  10. Tricky
    It’s actualky harder because any errant inputs screw the buffer up. HB is easier on the hands but getting clean inputs is hard. Watch your input display in dojo and you’ll see a ton of extra directions that you can’t have on HB or moves don’t come out. @cruzlink2 for HB deets
    Aug 21, 2018
    DomAug likes this.
  11. Tricky
    FYI I use 33g6 to get myself standing in matches.
    Aug 21, 2018
  12. Myke
    @Tricky if you're talking about standing up quickly (from crouch), then a 33 does *nothing* to help you (it's a crouch dash input to state the obvious). Also, following with a G6 does nothing different than just a normal G. What you described - 33G - is just a crouch dash fuzzy guard. The fastest way to stand from crouch is just 66G.
    Aug 21, 2018
    Tricky likes this.
  13. Myke
    Also, @Rodnutz it might be helpful to start these kinds of conversations in a thread. Lots of useful tidbits in here that might help others in future! They otherwise get "lost", and not easily discoverable, as soon as they disappear from the status feed.
    Aug 21, 2018
    Rodnutz and Tricky like this.
  14. Tricky
    @Myke I didn't epxlain my point too well and I agree these are more thread based conversations.
    Aug 21, 2018
  15. Myke
    No shit, Trick! (on both accounts) ;)
    Aug 21, 2018
    Rodnutz and Tricky like this.
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