Comments on Profile Post by Tricky

  1. Myke
    Exit? You dodging now? ;)
    Jul 2, 2018
    MadeManG74 likes this.
  2. kingo
    Oh, @G0d3L is playing rank now ??? :-P
    Jul 3, 2018
  3. Tricky
    Jul 3, 2018
  4. Jason Elbow
    Jason Elbow
    Well we have to cull all of the fake from the authentic. Remember there there's a difference between an enthusiast and a connoisseur.
    Jul 3, 2018
  5. Tricky
    Either group playing the game is fine by me. More players helps show Sega why to make more.
    Jul 4, 2018
  6. Segalacious
    I'm just really glad that VF5FS is free on Xbox live. It's nice to see people taking more of an interest in the game lately.
    Jul 4, 2018
    Jason Elbow and Tricky like this.
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