Comments on Profile Post by MakiLeSushi

  1. Myke
    Technically, no. The first action is stagger and the second action is a "guaranteed" hit. There's not much to be gained by grouping these together and labeling them as a Guard Break. That's like asking if a 0-damage throw that has a guaranteed followup can be considered a GB as well.
    May 30, 2018
  2. MakiLeSushi
    Wait no it s not the same as the throw. The throw can be escaped by inputing the TE. The only difference btw what i claimed is that one gives u fixe advantage. The other one gives u stagger which, in this case, gives "variable" advantage startin by +10 guaranted and more (depending how fast u unstagger) even the sound is the same
    May 30, 2018
  3. Myke
    If you argue that a throw can be escaped, then I can argue that your stagger attack can be evaded! ;) The point is, you're referring to a sequence of A then B, where if A is successful, then B is guaranteed. Technically, a GB is used to denote the effect of a single attack and not a sequence.
    May 31, 2018
  4. MakiLeSushi
    This is exactly what i wanted to say. The effect is the same as regular gb. The following move is garanteed but variable, i mean i can use an attack with more frame if the opponent doesn t unstagger correctly.
    May 31, 2018
  5. Sonic The Fighters
    Sonic The Fighters
    Just like Lei-Fei, he has one. It's more like a broken stagger, cause it works like a guard break with a guaranted hit just after his low stagger.

    But Lei is "low-tier" so that's fine.
    Jun 1, 2018
  6. Myke
    @Maki, that's the point -- the advantage from a stagger is variable whereas a GB is fixed. While they both "temporarily" remove the opponent's ability to guard, referring to them both as a GB doesn't really serve any purpose as they have different properties.
    Jun 1, 2018
    MakiLeSushi and -nero- like this.
  7. Sonic The Fighters
    Sonic The Fighters
    wtf i was wrong about Lei why i said that it's not on guard at all lol..... but on hit !

    But stagger on hit by the low with guaranted hit after that so still broken.
    Jun 1, 2018
  8. MakiLeSushi
    @Myke but since the effect is to remove opponent s guard and gives a free attack as follow up then it s gb no matters if it s advantage or stagger.
    @Sonic Bros 3D btw lei got a real gb...
    Jun 1, 2018
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  9. Sonic The Fighters
    Sonic The Fighters
    Yeah Lei also has a real guard break, he is so low tier lul.
    Jun 1, 2018
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