@Myke me too, but as soon as I saw the capital N in the middle of the surename I got that Unicorn was going for a words game and from there google translate solved it ;)
Well, to answer Unicorn's original question, political correctness wasn't even a thing during Arnie's rise to fame but even so, the German word "Neger" only has one "g" in it, whereas Arnie's last name has two.
@Myke So you think it is that he is big enough star now that noone bother/dare to point this out?
And I mean my original question seriously without trolling. I really wonder how or why noone care about this when people have carriers and lives ruined for mere accusations posted on twitter for example. Or where Polanski can be considered 'more evil' that Manson
As @MadeManG74 pointed out, his name is derived from a town "schwarzen" (black) + "egg" (ridge). In other words, the name is Schwarzen+Egger, and not Schwarze+Negger. So you'd have to deliberately mangle (and misspell with one 'g') his name in order to fit some racially motivated agenda.
And whose to say it was never tried before? It probably has been, but was easily, and understandably, shot down.
May 15, 2018
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