Comments on Profile Post by Ellis

  1. Mold_Monkey93
    You're nicer than me. I wouldn't have anyone ruin that immersion for me. Even if my honey was performing fellatio. "I said, get out!"
    Jan 4, 2018
    Jason Elbow likes this.
  2. Jason Elbow
    Jason Elbow
    Man i cant wait to play that! I just might get a switch because of it!
    Jan 4, 2018
    Ellis and IcKY99 like this.
  3. Ellis
    Id say it depends on the partner ^^
    She's a capable gamer and we plan together were the F* to go next,
    Then its kinda just as enjoyable chilling for 1 hour in her arms and then switch like that back and forth.

    In a way it makes the immersion more worth it when its someone you share the awe with, like "omg what was that, less try get there and check it out!" :)
    Jan 5, 2018
  4. Ellis
    But like, if it was an online capable game i'd feel what u mean moldie.
    I'd shudder of the thought having like "xXx_SnipaBoB_xXx" join a game like that and go round swearing and ruining the mood and magic.

    But with my GF its all Awes! ^^

    You should get the game Jason, in whatever way you can play it.
    Its the best Zelda IMO since A Link To The Past!
    Jan 5, 2018
  5. Ellis
    (PS; if there is someone with my made up nick; no offense meant! ^^)
    Jan 5, 2018
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