Comments on Profile Post by Ares-olimpico

  1. MarlyJay
    Are you asking what is a good move to use after a backdash? Or what move dashes backwards?
    Jul 23, 2017
    Ares-olimpico likes this.
  2. Ytpme_Secaps
    Is the question "when is backdash a good defense?" Whichever shun moves give pushback on guard.Thats a good time to backdash.
    And when you expect opponent will respond with short range attacks like 2p 6p, or P, a backdash can succeed even without pushback.
    Jul 23, 2017
    Ares-olimpico likes this.
  3. DK
    2k Backdash can lead to a lot of setups. Obviously backdash is a terrible form of defense if its telegraphed. But 2k backdash 43p+k or qcf+p. Keisuta loves it
    Jul 23, 2017
    Ares-olimpico likes this.
  4. Myke
    Ares-olimpico, can you please create a thread for this? If it's specific to Shun Di's options for using back dash as a defensive action, then create it in the Shun Di forum. Thanks.
    Jul 23, 2017
  5. Ares-olimpico
    i'm researching how to punish back dashes with lion and with my lack of knowledge i need to question the other character player when he uses back dash as defensive technique.I will continue to post the combos and setups in the lion combo thread. contribution of other characters players (punishing or doing back dash) are VERY WELLCOME. THANKS
    Jul 24, 2017
  6. Ytpme_Secaps
    Last thing, sidekick (3k) vs. Backdash causes "bum-down" stagger/big combo
    Jul 24, 2017
    Ares-olimpico likes this.
  7. Ares-olimpico
    yeah. the idea know when use 3k (thinking the opponent can use back dash ) and learn the combos to take advantage of the stagger the problem is the distance which is different in each setups and character. For example brad do ppk (normal hit) and back dash the 3k of Lion causes stagger and 6k a crumple dash 2p (46p+k) 43p+k 6pp is possible Thanks @Ytpme_Secaps
    Jul 24, 2017
  8. Kruza
    @Ares-olimpico - Make a thread on this topic in Shun's Dojo forum, and I'll list a few examples.
    Jul 26, 2017
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