Comments on Profile Post by MakiLeSushi

  1. Cmoney
    You hit it right on the noggin
    Jun 30, 2017
  2. Jason Elbow
    Jason Elbow
    Yes and not rage quit.
    Jun 30, 2017
  3. Superkh13
    Ehh. Yes and no from me. I would like more players too, but I'll definitely take VF6 over that if I had the choice.
    Jul 1, 2017
  4. MakiLeSushi
    And 3 month later u ll find nobody online, i mean the game is good enough now to enjoy even after i played it around 5 years but the problem still standing, waitin half an hour to finally find someone with grey connexion it s lol.
    Jul 1, 2017
  5. Superkh13
    Sorry, I just kinda assumed that was the norm for Virtua Fighter as a whole. I never really seen VF Online be anything else other than barren. I do see what you mean, though. FS is still fun to play today.
    Jul 1, 2017
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