Demetrius, please get a real job and buy an adequate isp. Everyone that has ever played you knows your current isp is always, "suspect" when your health starts to deplete. Step it up kingy!
And Jason it's time for you to simmer down buddy..VFDC is getting a little wiery of you! And Tm everyone that plays you knows that you cant play period. (Tm VS Libertine)
I'll huff and puff, but it doesn't work. Online means nothing you little Nancy boy. You have been called out in your hometown twice by me and you ran. You bitched at Jason and dodged the grudge match. Nobody is buying into your stupidity. Play offline and prove it or simply stfu.
That's where you are wrong Salty Tm..Everyone is buying into the Cmoney system. I'm sorry if that upsets you Tm..Face it timmy Cmoney is a SUPERSTAR and you're just a St louis rat that's still trying to get his cheese in VFDC.
We can do this all fuckin night tm, and if online means nothing then why do you sit on it waiting for Dans. Face it tim you have marginal skill in VF. STFU right back at you, you miserable bastered!
I bet you got plenty of it don't you Salty Tm..Use your salt to make a recipe to beat me, maybe that way you'll be half as good as the king............Maybe.
Damn Lions just be fucking you all kinds of up huh? lol
Jun 13, 2017
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