Comments on Profile Post by KishinRuLeR-_-

  1. steelbaz
    You still haven't learned frame data have you?! All good T7 is a month away ^_^
    Apr 28, 2017
    IcKY99 and DK like this.
  2. DK
    Its taka tbh
    Apr 28, 2017
    KishinRuLeR-_-, IcKY99 and steelbaz like this.
  3. WolfKing
    What's your psn id?
    Apr 30, 2017
  4. KishinRuLeR-_-
    I see Baz still trying to throw shots at mfs an nah it aint taka bruh I still waiting on t7 tho
    May 1, 2017
    steelbaz likes this.
  5. steelbaz
    Good we all waiting for T7!
    May 1, 2017
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