Comments on Profile Post by IcKY99

  1. steelbaz
    no matter da spam
    Dec 29, 2016
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  2. Chief_Flash
    Dec 29, 2016
  3. IcKY99
    nah my job doesn't grant me vacation till after our inventory and that aint till end of feb :/ just spreading the word
    Dec 29, 2016
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  4. steelbaz
    Unlikely just based on the cost. It's about $400 just for airfare alone from Seattle, not including other costs like food, touristy shit etc. East coast trips are really expensive from way out here. Traveling to China is only about $60 more ffs.
    Dec 29, 2016
    IcKY99 and Chief_Flash like this.
  5. Chief_Flash
    Dec 29, 2016
    steelbaz likes this.
  6. IcKY99
    Ain't nothing we can do bout plane tix they will always be a Lil pricey
    Dec 30, 2016
    Chief_Flash likes this.
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