Comments on Profile Post by BLACKSTAR

  1. MakiLeSushi
    A vf6 would be great for sure! But honestly, don t u find fs almost perfect?
    Dec 22, 2016
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
    FS? Oh, you mean SEGA's version of Tekken 7... xD @MakiLeSushi
    Dec 22, 2016
    RawrCookie likes this.
  3. MakiLeSushi
    Tekken next to fs is like final fight next to bare knuckle 2. 2 different game but good. The rest depends of taste. For me, bare knuckle 2 definitly...
    Dec 22, 2016
    Imo, sega put a good bit of Tekken-inspired ideas, both good (bound) and bad (stupid move properties, like akira 9k) in FS. Feels very Tekken-y
    Dec 22, 2016
    RawrCookie likes this.
  5. shadowmaster
    I feel VF, FS especially fits me best over most of what is out there especially Tekken. Maki is right. It is all about what you want in the games you play in general. Why would you be shocked that Sega is lagging behind as expected. It isn't like they care about the Western VF players as dead as the VF is outside of Japan.
    Dec 22, 2016
    RawrCookie and Cmoney like this.
  6. Citrus
    Everything they took out from Tekken was wrong and bad, especially bounds...
    FS would be the perfect VF if it wasn't for all the tekkenizing features.
    Dec 22, 2016
  7. Cmoney
    Yu Suzuki would never let this happen to vf if he was still apart of Sega. Sega is to concentrated on mobile games And yakuza games they're giving top franchises no attention at all.
    Dec 23, 2016
    RawrCookie and BLACKSTAR like this.
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