Comments on Profile Post by Rodnutz

  1. Stl_Tim
    Do what you always do online. Act like fuzzy recovery doesn't exsist and insta duck at -4 to -9. Godlike strats to get you wins!!
    Aug 20, 2016
  2. Rodnutz
    Tim you've been complaining about the same things since July 12 2006! Give it a rest already. If you haven't learned by now that all these things you are complaining about only works because of online then maybe you should stop playing. No one intentional tries to insta duck at -9. It just happens... ADAPT ALREADY OR DELETE THE GAME SHEESH!
    Aug 20, 2016
    Jason Elbow, Myke and Jacko like this.
  3. Stl_Tim
    omaha Jeff, this isn't mvc1 and your not venom. Yes, you do this on purpose, but hey your Rodney!
    Clean up your bs online or delete the game. I'll see all of you in February and lol at your faces.
    Aug 20, 2016
  4. Stl_Tim
    Nero: you too enjoy the wtf online vf, blow it out your ass. I'm sorry, but you both have been called out for playing like assholes online. Truth hurts. Clean up the bs.
    Aug 20, 2016
  5. Jason Elbow
    Jason Elbow
    Lol! Poor Std Timmy....Boo fuckin hoo...
    Aug 20, 2016
    Jacko likes this.
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