Comments on Profile Post by DestructionBomb

  1. Rodnutz
    I was watching! Congrats to JC Akira! All of his matches had me so hyped. Loved those K cancel critical burst. I'm gonna be getting a PS4 soon for SFV and will probably get DAO5LR too.
    Dec 14, 2015
    DestructionBomb likes this.
  2. DestructionBomb
    For sure yo! Me, Matt and Sly went up there to cheer for him and congratulated him.
    Dec 14, 2015
  3. Force_of_Nature
    It was an incredible tournament. I expect many more Akira players in the near future lol. Glad to see you rep him hard DB!
    Dec 15, 2015
  4. Sorwah
    I knew he'd take it honestly. Didn't hurt that I kept giving him tips on each of his opponents. Why I don't use those tips on my own performance shows you why I just can't win these days.
    Dec 16, 2015
    Rodnutz likes this.
  5. Sorwah
    If he had to take on lopedo in GF then I'd say it would be a 50/50 chance or in favor of lopedo. Lucky for him Emann defeated lopedo in LF.
    Dec 16, 2015
    Rodnutz likes this.
  6. Rodnutz
    No offense to him but honestly I love seeing Lopedo lose. I'm sure he is a great person, but often he comes off as an over confident schmuck on stream lol So yeah every match he had and will ever have I'll always be rooting for him to take that " L " and hold deep within his chest. hahahahaha

    I really enjoyed watching him fall off his chair :D
    Dec 16, 2015
  7. Sorwah
  8. Force_of_Nature
    lopedo's cocky persona is his gimmick. He's just out to have fun and doesn't intend to insult the people there. He is indeed a cool dude in person. I agree that lopedo vs. JCA would've been a much more interesting GF, because Emann was too free to JCA.
    Dec 19, 2015
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